Trying to think of ways to help teach your family Spanish shouldn’t have to be hard. In fact, with little effort, you can yield big results! If you’re wanting to have your family learn how to incorporate more Spanish into their daily lives, these five ways just might be able to help accomplish just that.
It’s safe to say that not all households speak more than one language. Making certain that your home is diversified in various cultures is important and is something that you should be focusing on. Teaching your family Spanish can actually be done pretty easy now with all the great resources that we have.
Here are five ways to help teach your family Spanish.
Five Simple Ways to help teach your family Spanish
Teaching your family Spanish doesn’t have to feel stressful. These simple ways can easily happen with just a small effort on your part.
Check out books from the library
The library is a great resource and has a ton of books and movies that you can easily check out. Talk to the librarian and see if they have any that they recommend for teaching an entire family a new language. Also, talk to the library and see if they have any upcoming classes for learning Spanish as well.
Pay for a tutor
There are so many great tutors out there that can help your child and your family learn Spanish. Ask for references or do a search in your local area to find some of the best possible options.
Communicate with them in Spanish
If you know Spanish, start speaking to them more often in Spanish. That way they’ll get used to hearing it and might be able to even learn how to say some of the words. The constant repetition is a great way to teach your family all about a new language.
Turn on the Spanish subtitles when watching a movie
This might seem a little far out there, but it just might work! Anytime that you’re watching a movie, why not turn on the Spanish subtitles so your family can hear the movie in English but read it in Spanish. It’s like the best of both worlds and just might cause that portion of their brain to learn it quickly.
Have them spell words in English and in Spanish
Give them weekly spelling tests at home where they have a list of the most common words in English and Spanish and have them write them both out and practice saying them in Spanish.
Learning Spanish is really all about repetition. The more that your family hears you say certain words, the more that they’re going to “click” and start to understand them themselves. Repeating Spanish words, again and again, is one of the quickest and most simple ways to start to learn the language.
Encourage your family to practice in their off time and speak the Spanish words that they do know on a daily basis and in casual conversation. Before long, they’ll be talking in complete sentences in Spanish with ease!
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