During Christmas, the average person has a checklist of everything they need to buy as far as gifts for family, friends, significant others. They VIEW MORE
The Ultimate Guide to Parenting Events
Syndicated Piece: In this day and age, there is no shortage of parenting event options. Here is our list of the ultimate parenting events in the US. VIEW MORE
Spelly Straws the New Way to Drink While Learning!
I found Spelly Straws on Twitter by chance, and I have to say right away fell in love with their product. A lot of the talking, creating, and learning VIEW MORE
My Review of “Sing” Hitting theaters December 21, 2016
Last Saturday we were able to pre-screen "Sing" at our local AMC movie theater, there were other families there since Universal Pictures promoted VIEW MORE
Disney’s Moana Another Holiday Hit
Last night my family and I had the privilege, to pre-screen Disney's new movie animation "Moana". I have to say I was a bit worried at first, I have VIEW MORE