Disney’s “Artemis Fowl,” based on the beloved book by Eoin Colfer, is a fantastical, spellbinding adventure that follows the journey of 12-year-old genius Artemis Fowl, a descendant of a long line of criminal masterminds, as he desperately tries to save his father who has been kidnapped. In order to pay his ransom, Artemis must infiltrate an ancient, underground civilization—the amazingly advanced world of fairies—and bring the kidnapper the Aculos, the fairies’ most powerful and coveted magical device. To locate the elusive object, cunning Artemis concocts a dangerous plan—so dangerous that he ultimately finds himself in a perilous war of wits with the all-powerful fairies.
Cupcake Toppers
Whether it’s movie night, a viewing party, or a birthday party I wanted to create some cupcake toppers that could be used in conjunction with the movie. These toppers are quite easy to make you just need to follow the directions below.
Cupcake Topper Materials
Glue stick
cardstock paper
cricut machine
Cupcake Topper Assembly
- Print out the PDF below
2. Go into Cricut Design Space, when there go into projects and then into shapes and load up a circle. Paste about six circles into your design.
3. Load up the design and follow the steps in design space, your cricut machine will cut out the circles on your cardstock paper.
4. Pop-out your cardstock circles.
5. Cut your Aretmis Fowl cupcake toppers with your scissors.
6. With your glue stick glue your Artemis Fowl cupcake topper to the cardstock paper that is going to serve as the background to your cupcake topper.
7. Grab your toothpick and place it at the back of the cupcake topper.
8. Tape the toothpick to the back of the cupcake topper.
9. Decorate your cupcakes!
Cupcakes and Decorations
The cupcakes are super simple to make! I just used a box of yellow cake mix and a box of chocolate cake mix. I used a cupcake pan to back the cupcakes in and cooked them for the time listed on the box. While the cupcakes were baking I made my own buttercream frosting, which is 3 cups of confectioners sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, and a stick of room temperature butter. I whisked it all together for the icing, if you find that the icing is too clumpy you can add a little bit of water to soften.
Lastly, decorate your cupcakes with the icing and decorate with either sprinkles. or macaroons like I did. While I am adventurous I did not make the macaroons I bought them at the store. My kids loved these cupcakes and they helped decorate them! We will be enjoying these while we watch the movie!
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