Pixar Animation Studios’ all-new feature film “Soul” introduces Joe Gardner (voice of Jamie Foxx) – a middle-school band teacher who gets the chance of a lifetime to play at the best jazz club in town. But one small misstep takes him from the streets of New York City to The Great Before – a fantastical place where new souls get their personalities, quirks and interests before they go to Earth.
Determined to return to his life, Joe teams up with a precocious soul, 22 (voice of Tina Fey), who has never understood the appeal of the human experience.
As Joe desperately tries to show 22 what’s great about living, he may just discover the answers to some of life’s most important questions.
Directed by Academy Award® winner Pete Docter (“Inside Out,” “Up”), co-directed by Kemp Powers (“One Night in Miami”) and produced by Academy Award nominee Dana Murray, p.g.a. (Pixar short “Lou”), Disney and Pixar’s “Soul” will be available exclusively on Disney+ (where Disney+ is available) beginning Dec. 25, 2020.
Soul Review
Finding Your Gift
So many of us go through life trying to find out what sets us apart from everyone, we also spend a lot of time dwelling on what our gift is and how we can contribute that to society. The truth is sometimes we can become obsessed with trying to get out first break or finding out what our gifts are.
I remember for the longest time growing up I would talk with relatives and friends who would ask me periodically what I planned to do with my life. Was I going to go to college? What type of degree would I get? And to make sure that I got a degree that I knew I could make a living off of.
“Soul” is no different it is a story about Joe finding his way through his own life and trying to find his gift and what he should do with it. Joe’s passion is music and being a Jazz player, and you can tell how passionate he is about it. Thought the movie Joe tries explaining to his students, his mom, and even 22 why music is such a passion for him, and why he is meant to play music for the rest of his life.
Being In A Different Pair Of Shoes
“Soul” does a wonderful job of showing us what it is to be in someone else’s shoes, when Joe meets 22 as a mentor he realizes that 22 has been mentored by an array of high profiled people in our lifetime. However 22 has never cared about going to Earth, as she thinks most humans are self absorbed.
When Joe crosses over from The Great Before 22 accidentally falls back to Earth with him, and in doing so Joe is accidentally transported into the body of a cat. Where 22 is transported into Joe’s body it gives way for Joe to experience his life through a different perspective and 22 a view at life like she has never seen before.
It allows for Joe to see what he has been missing from his life, crazy to think how the most simplistic things in life are can make the most impact.
Family Affair
“Soul” was a great to come out this holiday season as it is a great family film. My 5 and 8 year old watched it, and they were very intrigued with The Great Before and got to thinking if it was like that before we were born. The film opened the door to many questions and we had some great conversations as a family.
Soul is a breath of fresh air especially because of the times we are living in, it gives you a new perspective on how to look at life, and to stop worrying so much about the what if’s. Highly recommend for the whole family to watch on Christmas Day!
“Soul” Inspired Cake pops
These “Soul” inspired Cake pops are great to go along with your watch party!
Recipe: Cake pops Makes: 20+
Prep time: 25 minutes Total time: 2 hours
1 box of white oreos
1 8oz container of cream cheese
Yellow food coloring
Blue candy melts
Decorative sugar for garnish
Cake pop sticks
1.In a blender or food processor, blend oreos until fine.
2.Mix in cream cheese until you have a thick dough
3.Mix in 3-5 drops of yellow food coloring
4.Roll into balls and place on a parchment lined tray. Insert sticks and place in freezer for 1hour
5.Melt candymelts and dip cake pops. Place in a glass to drip off any excess and garnishwith a sprinkle of decorative sugar. I used white, but you could use any color.
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